Welcome to EAPM
Welcome to EAPM, the European Association for psychosomatic medicine, consultation-liaison psychiatry, and integrated care. EAPM aims to promote a biopsychosocial approach to healthcare and to do that by stimulating research, providing education, and advocating for better clinical services.
As the President of EAPM I would personally like to encourage you to attend our excellent annual meetings, the next one of which is in Munich in 2025 and the one after that in Florence in 2026. These meetings are noted for their welcoming atmosphere and academic excellence. They are truly international in attendance and have speakers not only from all over Europe, but from all over the world.
You might also want to join EAPM and get the benefits of reduced rates at the meetings, free access to the Journal of Psychosomatic Research (JPR) our society Journal, receive our newsletter and to become part of an organization which is spearheading a biopsychosocial approach to healthcare internationally.
Thank you very much for visiting our website. I hope to see you at our future meetings.
Michael Sharpe MA MD
President EAPM
Vision, Mission & Constitution
Main goal of the European Association of Psychosomatic Medicine is to strengthen the collaboration between researchers, practitioners and teachers in the field. Our mission is to share, exchange and develop the insights of psychosomatic research and perspectives across national borders for the benefit of all patients.
European Association of Psychosomatic Medicine
The primary objectives of the EAPM are:
- To promote an integrated psychosomatic (biopsychosocial) approach to health and disease.
- To promote the treatment and care of patients with psychiatric disorders and psychological problems in patients with or without physical disorders in general hospitals, medical clinics, other community out-patient clinics and primary care.
- To stimulate and support research in the areas of Psychosomatic Medicine, Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry, and Integrated Care.
- To stimulate and support teaching and training, and advanced professional education in the areas of Psychosomatic Medicine, Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry, and Integrated Care.
- To foster interaction and collegiality among members of the Association and provide opportunities for mutual support and assistance.
- To educate the patients, carers and the general public regarding Psychosomatic Medicine.
- To provide a forum for the presentation, dissemination and discussion of scientific problems in Psychosomatic Medicine, Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry, and Integrated Care through the organization of meetings, conferences, workshops and publications.
- To advise national and European organizations and to encourage and stimulate the formation of local, regional and national organizations which further the goals of the Association
- To identify and reward outstanding achievement and/or service in Psychosomatic Medicine, Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry, and Integrated Care.
Constitution/Bylaws EAPM pdf
Strategic Partners
The Academy of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry (ACLP)
The US Organization for Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry
The Academy of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry (ACLP) has as its central focus patients with comorbid medical and psychiatric illness and the interaction between them. This focus entails clinical work, research and teaching as well as leadership in the provision of medical-surgical psychiatry services.
ACLP hosts annual meetings at which EAPM frequently contributes. ACLP members may register for EAPM’s annual meeting at EAPM member rates.
For more on ACLP, visit www.clpsychiatry.org
International College of Psychosomatic Medicine (ICPM)
The objectives of the International College of Psychosomatic Medicine (ICPM) are to foster the development of psychosomatic medicine, i.e., the study, education, and application of knowledge and skills in bio-psycho-social, brain-behavior-health-disease relationships, to foster cooperation and collaboration of researchers, educators, and practitioners of psychosomatic medicine throughout the world, and to provide opportunities for communication and collegiality among persons and organizations that share and/or support the objectives of ICPM.
For more on ICPM, visit www.icpmonline.org
Functional Neurological Disorder Society (FNDS)
The Functional Neurological Disorder Society (FNDS) is devoted to improving lives of patients with a functional neurological disorder. Our goals are to increase awareness and education. The Society is multidisciplinary including neurology, psychiatry, psychology, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, rehabilitation medicine, ophthalmology, neuro-otology and others.
For more on FNDS www.fndsociety.org
Carus Foundation
The Carus Foundation supports three Master Classes at the EAPM 2025 Conference in Munich. Thank you very much.
If you are interested in getting a place here and would like to support the EAPM as a sponsor, please contact us by e-mail. Thank you.
- Board and Administration
- EAPM Advisory Board
- EAPM Affiliated National Associations
- EAPM Awards
- EAPM General News
- Join EAPM