EAPM conference 2021 will now be virtual!
Dear colleagues
To our great regret, the persistent COVID-19 pandemic makes it again impossible to hold our conference in Vienna as a face-to-face event. The program committee of the conference and the executive council of the EAPM have therefore decided to hold a two-day virtual conference on the 3rd and 4th of June this year. We are optimistic that we can then organise the conference in Vienna next year (2022) as a face-to-face event. The EAPM meetings in Wroclaw and Lausanne will, as such, be postponed by one year to 2023 and 2024 respectively.
The EAPM virtual conference, just as our previous face-to-face meetings, has an outstanding line-up of high-ranked key note speakers. It will include plenary lectures, parallel sessions with scientific symposia, poster sessions and special interest group sessions. We are also planning a virtual social program.
All abstracts submitted and accepted last year and this year will be included in the program as oral or poster presentations (if you submitted an abstract this year you will hear in the next few days about its acceptance and publication).
All presentations will be prerecorded. You will receive support to record you talk from our conference organizer AUSTROPA. The plenary sessions and up to four parallel symposia are held as live events with a life discussion; the other parallel symposia will be recorded and can be accessed during the duration of the conference and also for some time after. The posters can contain a short oral presentation.
- The regular conference fee for the two-day virtual conference is € 180.
- Members of the EAPM and ACLP, participants from low income countries (you can find a list on the congress homepage) and students receive a reduced conference fee of € 150.
- The reduced conference fee also applies to the combined ticket with the German Psychosomatic Congress.
If you have already paid the conference fee, you can choose whether you
- want to get back the difference in the fee for the virtual conference
- want the fee to be retained to pay for the face-to-face conference in Vienna in 2022 and pay the fee for the virtual conference separately
- or want to get the fee back (and do not join the conferences).
If you have any questions, please contact the AUSTROPA Congress Team (Sandrina Sinko per Email eapm2021@vb-mice.at or phone +43 1 58800-510)
EAPM and the program committee of the conference are working with great enthusiasm to create a lively, organizationally high-quality virtual conference. Your contributions ensure the high scientific quality of the conference. You will shortly receive further information by e-mail and via the new website of the virtual conference, which is currently being prepared.
With best regards
The program committee of the virtual conference
Jordi Blanch (Congress President)
Christoph Pieh
Joanna Rymaszewska
Michael Sharpe
Meike Shedden-Mora
Wolfgang Söllner
Angelika Weigel
Isabel Winter