Late Poster Submission by 15 May 2024

Symposia – Workshops – Abstracts

This year the submission process will be in three stages:

  1. The first stage is a call for symposia and workshops. These are multi-author interactive presentations around an overall theme. Please see the instructions for these. It starts on 17 October 2023 ends 26 November 2023.
    Due to the limited places for symposia in the program, this is a very competitive process and not all submissions will be accepted. Those submitting symposia will be informed whether their symposium has been accepted in plenty of time for those presenting in the proposed symposium to submit an individual abstract if the symposium is not accepted.

  2. The second stage is a call for abstracts for oral and poster presentations. It starts on 1 December 2023 and ends on 28 January 2024.

  3. The third stage is for late poster submissions. If you could not submit by the deadline, you can still submit a late poster. The submissions will be open until 15 May 2024 and you will receive a reply by 29 May at the latest. However, these late posters will not qualify for the best posters and the poster prize.

Late poster submissions : by 15 May 2024
Response : on 29 May at the latest

Please note that there will be no extensions for any deadlines. The deadlines are fixed

Symposium submission (17 October 2023 – 26 November 2023)

Symposia are 75 minutes long and present research and/or clinical experience on different aspects of a single overall topic especially topics that are currently topical and likely to be of interest to those who attend the EAPM meeting.

Symposia should include four speakers from at least two different institutions and have a focus on one unique topic.

Symposia which address a topic of great interest and which include expert speakers are most likely to be accepted. However, there is limited space in the programme and selection will be competitive. As a result, many good submissions will unfortunately not be selected. We would therefore like to invite speakers who were planning to speak in a symposium that was not selected, to submit their personal presentation for consideration as a single oral contribution (you will be informed about the call for abstracts after closure of the symposia submission).

A title and well-written abstract should be submitted (not more than 400 words, Arial 11 font). This abstract should describe why the content of the workshop is of interest and list three things attendees will learn. It should also list names, academic positions and institutions of the presenter(s). Finally, it should indicate how the speakers intend to use the 75 minutes and describe how interaction with attendees will be achieved.

Please submit your single symposium abstract by email. Attach your abstract as ONE SINGLE pdf document called “EAPM 2024 Symposium Submission – Your Last Name-” and submit it to: with the header: “EAPM 2024 Symposium submission -Your Last Name.”

Workshop submission (17 October 2023 – 26 November 2023)

Workshops are 75 minutes long and are intended to promote interactive, transformational learning experiences focusing on a single topic (such as a clinical or research skill) relevant to those attending the EAPM meeting. They aim to enable sharing of understanding and experiences about the topic. They are usually limited to 30 attendees for this reason.

Workshops will usually be presented by two or more persons preferable from at least two different institutions.

Workshops that address a topic of great interest and are run by experts with a reputation for delivering successful workshops are most likely to be accepted.

There is a very limited space in the programme for workshops; consequently, submissions will be highly competitive and many good submissions will unfortunately not be selected for this reason. If a workshop is not selected we encourage you to consider resubmitting it for next year’s meeting, or if the content is suitable submitting an abstract.

A title and well-written abstract should be submitted (not more than 400 words, Arial 11 font). This abstract should describe why the content of the workshop is of interest and list three things attendees will learn. It should also list names, academic positions and institutions of the presenter(s). Finally, it should indicate how the speakers intend to use the 75 minutes and the way in which the participants in the workshop will be actively involved.

Please submit your workshop proposal by email. Attach your submission as ONE SINGLE pdf document called “EAPM 2024 Workshop Submission – Your Last Name-” and submit it to: with the header: “EAPM 2024 Workshop Submission -Your Last Name”.

Abstract submission (01 December 2023 – 28 January 2024)

  • Brief oral presentations and posters
  • Abstract organization
  • Please do not include author details in the body of your abstract.
  • Maximum word count: 500.

Background/Significance: One or two sentences to set the context of your work and justification for this project, review, or case report. This brief introduction may include a highlight of what is known in the literature, or a relevant reason for why further knowledge of discussion is being sought.

Methods: For purposes of studies, reviews, and clinical innovations, describe what you did clearly and concisely. If applicable to your work, describe the study design (e.g., randomized controlled trial, cross-sectional survey, etc.), give subject details and how they were recruited, and explain what methods and statistical tests you used. There should be a statement about ethical (i.e., Institutional Review Board) approval if appropriate. For case reports, this section can be renamed Case, and can include a brief description of the case that includes the relevant information that supports your discussion and point of view.

Results: Describe in words your main findings. Address the statistical and clinical significance of your data, where relevant. Note that, while the abstract is submitted with results in text form, we encourage alternative presentations, for the in-person oral paper/poster presentation at the meeting, including images, tables, graphs, and charts. For case reports, this section can be omitted.

Discussion: Discuss the findings in a brief narrative. Explain the meaning of your results or findings, or say how they compare with what you expected, or how they compare with previously published work. For cases, you might consider interweaving elements of the case and previously published literature to demonstrate your point of view.

Conclusion/Implications: Provide a summary of your conclusions(s) and the implications of your project or case, in as brief a narrative as possible.

References: up to three references should be specified.

Key dates

Late poster submissions

by 15 May 2024

Congress Date

12 – 15 June 2024

Registrations open

Early bird registration

by 15 April 2024

Symposium &
Workshop submissions

till 26 November 2023

Call for Abstracts

1 December 2023

Contact EAPM Lausanne Conference 2024