Special Interest Groups (SIGs)

Many EAPM members and members of national associations associated with the EAPM are especially interested in one or more particular aspects of consultation-liaison psychiatry and psychosomatic medicine.

EAPM offers SIGs to provide an opportunity to share with others with similar interests. Every SIG has a coordinating chair who leads a SIG meeting at the EAPM annual conference and helps members to stay in contact throughout the year via emails and video conference.

SIG chairs are expected to present a short summary of their activities for consideration by the Board before the annual EAPM conference. This should be sent to the EAPM Administrator at least two weeks in advance of the meeting.

If you are interested in participating in one of the existing EAPM SIGs, simply identify the chair from the EAPM website and contact them to find out more. You can also go to the SIG meeting at the annual conference and join there.

If you are interested in establishing a new SIG, please send a proposal to the EAPM Administrator  for consideration by the EAPM Board. This proposal must nominate an individual EAPM member as chair and be supported by at least two other individual members of EAPM. If you want a second or even third chair, all chairs must be individual members of EAPM.

Changes in a SIG, such as the names of the chairs or the name of the SIG, must be formally communicated to the EAPM administration via email.




Latest posts of all SIGs:

SIG Primary Care 2024

EAPM Special Interest Group Primary Care 2024 Together with Bohdan Wasilewski, Christina van der Fels and others, we have been organising SIG meetings since the beginning of the EAPM in…