Below you find all relevant information regarding EAPM membership

Do join us and become a member!

We welcome and encourage clinicians and researchers of any discipline and speciality to join our association. As a member you will help to realise our biopsychosocial vison for medical care and be able to take advantage of the opportunities membership offers



As a member

  • you get online access to the Journal of Psychosomatic Research (including extended access to previous volumes of the journal)
  • you get a print version of the Journal of Psychosomatic Research (EAPM membership PLUS)
  • you benefit from reduced conference fees for the annual meetings of EAPM and the American Academy of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry (ACLP)
  • you receive information about latest developments in European C-L Psychiatry, Psychosomatic Medicine and Integrated Care and the EAPM in our quarterly newsletter (EAPM news for members)
  • you can interact with other EAPM members are interconnected via listserv and our online forum
  • you can participate in EAPM Special Interest Groups SIGs (or create your own) concerning relevant topics and developments in Psychosomatic Medicine, CL-Psychiatry and Integrated Care
  • you can become EAPM fellow
  • you help promote C-L Psychiatry, Psychosomatic Medicine and Integrated Care within Europe
  • Above all, you are part of the EAPM network of researchers and clinicians throughout Europe and the world

Each of our members had an individual reason for joining EAPM. Surely you get benefits like the ones mentioned above. But there might be something else that you may find in this European Society.

Above all, there is the interest in sharing, developing and strengthening ideas, standards, procedures, treatments and visions with other like-minded Europeans in the field where each of us spends so much time, passion and energy.

The EAPM Annual Meeting – our congress – is definitely the highlight of the year. Every year we travel in a different European city to a new, stunning location. Here, members meet and share their thoughts and insights in person and make decisions on how to make our vision of European psychosomatic medicine a reality.

We have 5 different types of EAPM membership

  • Regular Membership 120 Euro €/year (including an online subscription to the Journal of Psychosomatic Research (JPR))
  • Regular Membership PLUS 165€/year (monthly print version of the JPR sent home plus online subscription to the JPR)
  • Reduced Membership* 85 Euro €/year (including an online subscription to the JPR)
  • Reduced Membership PLUS* 130€/year (monthly print version of the JPR sent home plus online subscription to the JPR)
  • Student Membership** 10 Euro €/year (including an online subscription to the JPR)

* Reduced Membership fee is for students, “emeritus members” and residents from certain countries; this list is based on the current DAC list and supplemented by EAPM.

** If you want to apply for a ‘Student Membership’: Students of medicine and related disciplines can register at the student rate. When registering, you must send a copy of your student ID OR an official certificate of student status to the EAPM adminstrator ( within 3 days after your application. Please name the e-mail ‘student membership’. Please note that without this certificate, the student membership is not valid and the full price for regular members will be charged.


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How to pay my annual membership fee?

The EAPM annual membership fee is valid for one calendar year. Unless you use SEPA, the European direct debit procedure, as your payment option, your JPR subscription, your access to the EAPM member area and your reduction of EAPM and ACLP conferences is directly connected with your payment status.


Below you find our Payment Options

1. Sepa2. PayPal / 3. creditcard / 4. Bank transfer


If you have an European bank account you can profit from the direct debit procedure (SEPA). Your membership fee will be debited from your account annually and the debiting will be announced 2 weeks before. Through the direct debiting your access to the JPR is always valid. It is the most preferred payment method at EAPM.

Please  click here to download the direct debiting EAPM SEPA form, fill in and send it back to the EAPM administrator.

Please contact the EAPM administrator if you have any questions.


1. Paypal

You have the option to use PayPal. PayPal offers you to do an one-time-payment or a recurrent payment. Just click here and follow the instructions:

You can also send money to the EAPM via PayPal using your PayPal account – “send money”-  and typing in our EAPM email address.

If you have any questions, please just contact the administrator Isabel Winter.


3. Creditcard

You can pay with your creditcard/ debit card. Stripe offers you to do an one-time-payment or a recurrent payment. Just click here and follow the instructions:


4. Bank transfer

If you want to do a bank tranfer, just click here and follow the instructions.

Alternatively, you can transfer the membership fee directly to our bank account:

Account holder: EAPM

Name of bank: BTV
IBAN: AT 771600000101194892


Bank für Tirol und Vorarlberg Aktiengesellschaft
Stadtforum 1
6020 Innsbruck


Please make sure you quote your NAME and “EAPM” so that we are able to trace your payment. Any costs for bank transfer are to be charged to the member, not to the EAPM account!

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EAPM membership cancellation

To cancel your membership with the EAPM, send a written notice (by email) to the administrator of EAPM (Isabel Winter) before November 15th. Otherwise your membership continues automatically and you will be asked to pay your membership fee for the following year.

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