June 30, 2017 4.30 – 6,00 pm.
Participants: Chris Burton, Sheffield
Lene Toscano Aarhus
Hans-Christian Deter, Berlin
Lene Toscano Sanchez, Aarhus presented a talk about: Some experiences and results from our work with education and information about functional disorders to Danish primary care physicians.
The discussion focused on the elements of this Danish therapeutic program, the time consuming for GP to learn it and how it could be presented to the patients. An infrastructure of a big research unit seems necessary to provide it and the support of the Danish government and Health service administration. The question was, is the program helpful for patients and is it sufficiently evidence based.
- Burton reported, that UK physicians did not use any therapeutic method without evidence based in several RCT´s. He is in favour for short term treatments of half an hour at maximum for each patient with a somatization disorder.
We discussed intensively the gap between ten and more hours of the Aarhus program and the Sheffield attempt to treat patients very shortly. There is a problem always with the time of GP´s and the cost benefit of a psychosomatic treatment method in General practice. H.C.Deter had experienced in his quality circles in basic psychosomatic care with GP´s and specialists in internal medicine different possibilities of treatment for different practitioners. It depends not only from evidence based medicine, but also from individual experiences and psychosomatic training of these physicians. B. Wasilewski thinks that the doctor-patient relationship and the experiences in Balint groups are the best predictor of efficacy. So the target disease of patients with functional disorders on the one hand and the optimized doctor patient relationship on the other hand are two models in focusing psychosomatic issues in primary care.
2.The second speaker in this meeting should be Isolde Busch from Italy she should present a European study, which was published: Mazzi MA, Rimondini M, Boerma WG, Zimmermann C, Bensing JM, How patients would like to improve medical consultations: Insights from a multicentre European study. Unfortunately Isolde had to cancel her participation. So we proposed further steps at the 6th EAPM conference in Verona 2018.
- We want to submit a symposium of our working group together with M. Rimondini about “optimizing primary care contacts” and want to make an attempt to communicate with the other EAPM-SIG: Somatization in primary care group in a common meeting in Verona.
Hans-Christian Deter