The Journal of Psychosomatic Research (JPR) is the official journal of the EAPM.

JPR is a multidisciplinary research journal covering all aspects of the relationships between psychology and medicine. The scope is broad and ranges from basic biological and psychological research to evaluations of treatment and services.

EAPM pages

EAPM pages

A section of the journal is devoted to topics of particular relevance to EAPM.
As part of the agreement with the Journal of Psychosomatic Research, EAPM has a quota of 48 pages per year for EAPM-related matters, including papers, letters, news, advertisements, publications of C-L activities in various European countries and much more.

EAPM members are invited to submit papers for the EAPM pages to ensure that we make full use of our pages. Instructions for authors can be found below.

Click → here for the EAPM pages.

Instructions for authors of EAPM pages

Instructions for authors of EAPM pages

EAPM contributions should not exceed 1000 words. Contributions are not meant to publish results of specific disease-related research; topics covered should be of general interest, stem from countries participating in the EAPM or refer to EAPM activities. EAPM contributions are not peer-reviewed but subject to editorial approval. In case of doubt about the suitability of a subject, please contact Prof. Else Guthrie (, Associate Editor for EAPM pages.

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JPR: the Editor’s choice