Chair: Annette Boenink (NL)
Members Silvia Ferrari (I), Wolfgang Soellner (D), Steven Frankel (USA), Carsten Leue (NL), Christian Fazekas (A), Marie Collas (F), Elena Lobo (E), Fritz Stiefel (CH), Catherine Zdrowjeski (CH), Kurt Fritzsche (D), Barbara Stein (D), Joris Slaets (NL), Corine Latour (NL)
Aim To address the clinical subject of complexity and develop instruments – specifically the INTERMED method – that allow its measurement and clinical management; to develop research activities to verify/confirm effective clinical applications of the INTERMED; to structure and disseminate training procedures about the INTERMED method; to collect experiences on the clinical use of INTERMED around the world, documenting its qualities and problematic aspects; to support scientific initiatives during EAPM congresses promoted by members of the WG; to collaborate with other groups and associations with related interests (e.g. INTERMED foundation; CMSA).
Reports of meetings:
1) 27.6.2014 (Sibiu, Romania) – the meeting took place after the symposium presented by the Working Group, that was conducted by Annette Boenink, Silvia Ferrari, Steven Frankel and Wolfgang Soellner. Also Carsten Leue, Christian Fazekas and Joris Slaets attended. Some of the subjects anticipated by the symposium were re-discussed in detail, specifically how to perform the training and update on current clinical use of INTERMED on a regular basis around the world. The WG supports the proceeding of a research project on the self-assessment version of INTERMED (IMSA), which many members of the WG are involved in.