EAPM Board

During the EAPM general assembly 2024, new members of the EAPM board were elected. This board will stay until the next election during the general assembly 2025.

Please see here our lists of Past Presidents and Past Board Members.


Michael Sharpe, MD

Emeritus Professor of Psychological Medicine

University of Oxford
Oxford, United Kingdom
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Dr Michael Sharpe MD FACLP is Emeritus Professor of Psychological Medicine at the University of Oxford in the UK and a Consultation-Liaison Psychiatrist at Oxford University Hospitals.

In his work he aims to improve the lives of the medically ill by integrating psychiatric and psychological interventions into their care.  He has published more than 320 papers on this topic and established the renowned ‘Integrated Psychological Medicine’ service in the Oxford University Hospitals.

Dr Sharpe is President of the European Association of Psychosomatic Medicine, Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry and Integrated Care (EAPM) and a past President of the Academy of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry (ACLP).

In 2023 he was recipient of both the American Psychiatric Association’s  ‘Adolf Meyer Award’ for achievement in psychiatric research and the Academy of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry’s ‘Eleanor and Thomas P. Hackett Memorial Award’ for outstanding contributions to the field.

Vice President

Judith Rosmalen, PhD

Professor of Psychosomatic Medicine

University of Groningen
Groningen, The Netherlands

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Judith Rosmalen is Professor of Psychosomatic Medicine at the University of Groningen. She studied medical biology (University of Utrecht 1995) and psychology (University of Leiden 1998, cum laude), and obtained her PhD on interactions between immune and endocrine system (Erasmus University Rotterdam 2000). Her multidisciplinary research focusses on the etiology and treatment of persistent physical symptoms. She is the chair of the Dutch national network on medically unexplained symptoms. Details on her publications and activities can be found at www.rug.nl/staff/j.g.m.rosmalen


Peter Henningsen, MD

Professor Psychosomatic Medicine

University of Munich
Munich, Germany
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Peter Henningsen, d.o.b. 1959, professor and head, Dept. of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, University Hospital „Rechts der Isar”, Technical University Munich. Member of the EAPM board since 2023. Spokesperson of German university professors of Psychosomatic Medicine. Special interest in persistent and functional somatic symptoms.  

Vice Secretary

Cedric Lemogne, MD

Professor of Psychiatry

University Paris Cité, France
Paris, France
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Cédric Lemogne is a Professor of Psychiatry at Université Paris Cité, where he chairs the Educational Commission of the Faculty of Medicine and conducts research at the Center for Research in Epidemiology and Statistics (Inserm U1153).

After succeeding Professor Silla Consoli as head of the consultation-liaison psychiatry unit at Georges Pompidou European Hospital, he now heads the Adult Psychiatry Department at Hôtel-Dieu Hospital (Assistance Publique – Hôpitaux de Paris).

His clinical expertise particularly involves the management of patients suffering from functional somatic disorders. He coordinates the French Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry Network, the “Psychosomatic Medicine” section of the French Association of Biological Psychiatry and Neuropsychopharmacology, and is a co-opted board member of the European Association of Psychosomatic Medicine.

His research focuses on the relationships between mental health and physical health through the analysis of large datasets from population-based cohorts and clinical research projects. He is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Psychosomatic Research and the author or co-author of over 250 scientific articles.


Christoph Pieh, MD

Full Professor and Head of the Department
University of Krems, Austria
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Current position (since 2016)
Full Professor and Head of the Department, University of Krems, Austria
Professional Background
Studying Medicine at the Medical University Vienna, Austria (1997 to 2004)
Specialist in Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy (2011)
Specialist in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy (2016)
Habilitation (venia legendi) in the field of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy (2016)
Full Professor for Psychosomatic Medicine and health research and
Head of the Department of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy at University for
Continuous Education Krems, Austria (since 2016)
Further qualifications
Diploma of the Austrian Medical Association for Psychosocial Medicine (PSY 1), Psychosomatic
Medicine (PSY 2) and Psychotherapeutic Medicine (PSY 3)
Balint group leader (ÖBG)
Additional qualification “Psycho-oncology” of the German Cancer Society (DKG)
Additional qualification in Somnology (Sleep Medicine) from the German Society for Sleep
Medicine (DGSM)
Further training “Trauma therapy with EMDR”
Investigator (according to ICH-GCP, AMG / MPG, GCP-V)
August 2023
Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. univ. Christoph Pieh
Department of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy
University of Continuous Education Krems, Austria
Research Grants
3-year Scholarship from the Carus Foundation “Clinical Research Qualification Program in
Psychosomatics” at the Universities of Heidelberg (Prof. Herzog), Munich (Prof. Henningsen),
Tübingen (Prof. Zipfel) and Hamburg (Prof. Löwe) (2008 to 2010)
2-year Scholarship from the European Sleep Research Society (ESRS) “Sleep Medicine
Research” at the Universities of Bologna (Prof. Amici) and Lausanne (Prof. Tafti) (2010 to 2011)
“Best Lecturer of the University” in the semester 2007 as well as 2007/2008
Science Prize of the State of Lower Austria 2018
EAPM Fellowship 2022
MSD Health Price 2022

Vice Treasurer

Natalie Uhlenbusch, PhD

Postdoctoral researcher

University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf
Hamburg, Germany
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I am a psychologist (M.Sc.) and postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf in Germany. I have more than eight years of national and international experience in psychosomatic medicine, clinical psychology and health services research with a research focus on mental health and psychosocial support of people with rare physical diseases, currently coordinating a international multi-center study. In addition, I have eight years of teaching experience and broad methodological skills including qualitative and quantitative methods.I have been serving the EAPM as a co-opted board member since 2021 as chair of the Special Interest Group Young Researchers. For the past two years, I have been on the conference organizing committee. In 2023, I took on an additional task as chair of the newly founded Special Interest Group Climate Crisis and Mental Health. Recently, I initiated a new task force on the EAPM communications strategy.  I am dedicated to continue working for and with the EAPM and would be pleased to be considered as a full board member and vice treasurer.

Board Member

Joanna Rymaszewska, MD

Professor of Psychiatry

Wroclaw Medical University
Wrocław, Poland
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Board Member

Fiammetta Cosci, MD, PhD

Editor of the Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine (Ex officio)

Professor Clinical Psychology

University of Florence
Florence, Italy
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Dr. Cosci got her medical degree at the University of Florence in Italy and her PhD at the University of Maastricht, The Netherlands. She is Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Florence. Her main research interests are in mood and anxiety disorders, tobacco dependence, assessment, and novel psychotherapeutic approaches such as well-being therapy.

Board Member

Ferenc Köteles, PhD, SDc

Full Professor, Head of Doctoral School of Psychology,

Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary
Budapest, Hungary
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I’m professor of psychology and the head of the Ádám György Psychophysiology Lab at the Institute of Psychology, Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary, Budapest, Hungary. I’m a member of EAPM and the EURONET-SOMA group, participating in the European Training Network „Encompassing Training in fUnctional Disorders across Europe (ETUDE)“, funded under the EU Horizon2020 programme. Having a master’s degree in biology, psychology, and recreation science, I have been primarily interested in the complex relationships between physiological and psychological processes throughout my professional carrier. Typical examples are the perception of bodily changes and states (interoception) and various instances of the nocebo phenomenon, such as electromagnetic hypersensitivity and side effects evoked by perceptual characteristics of medication. My recent research focus is on various modalities of interoception (heartbeat perception, proprioception, physical activity, affective touch) with particular emphasis on their affective-evaluative aspect (i.e., pleasantness or unpleasantness) and on the background of discrepancy between actual and perceived physiological events. Beyond family and work, I spend my free time with practicing aikido, hiking, and plant photography.


Most important five publications

– Köteles, F. (2024). Vague sensations. About the background and consequences of discordance between actual and perceived physiological changes. Clinical Psychology Review, 108, 102382. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cpr.2024.102382

– Ferentzi, E., Wilhelm, O., & Köteles, F. (2022). What counts when heartbeats are counted. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 26(10), 832–835. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tics.2022.07.009

– Köteles, F. (2021). Body Sensations. The Conscious Aspects of Interoception. Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-63201-4

– Köteles, F., & Witthöft, M. (2017). Somatosensory amplification – An old construct from a new perspective. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 101, 1–9. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpsychores.2017.07.011

– Szemerszky, R., Köteles, F., Lihi, R., & Bárdos, G. (2010). Polluted places or polluted minds? An experimental sham-exposure study on background psychological factors of symptom formation in ‘Idiophatic Environmental Intolerance attributed to electromagnetic fields’. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 213(5), 387–394. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijheh.2010.05.001

Past President

Jordi Blanch, MD

Associate Professor of Psychiatry

University of Barcelona
Barcelona, Catalonia – Spain
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Jordi Blanch, MD PhD, is Consultant in Psychiatry in the Department of Psychiatry of the Clinical Institute of Neurosciences in Hospital Clínic of Barcelona, Associate Professor of Psychiatry of the University of Barcelona, and Chief Operating Officer of the Program for Mental Health and Addictions of Catalonia.

He has been Chief of the Inpatient Psychiatry Clinic in Hospital Clínic of Barcelona; Medical Coordinator in Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu; Chair for Educational Affairs of the Clinical Institute of Neurosciences in Hospital Clínic of Barcelona and president of the Catalan Society of Psychiatry

For more than twenty years he has conducted clinical, research and educational work in HIV Psychiatry. His areas of expertise in HIV Mental Health include depression, psychopharmacology, drug interactions, and psychotherapy in HIV.

He has also been done clinical work in psychiatric and psychological disorders in severely ill medical patients (oncology, bone marrow transplantation, solid organ transplantation, and others), as well as in personality disorders and anxiety disorders.

Co-opted Board Member

Past Conference President

Fritz Stiefel, MD

Professor of CL Psychiatry

University Lausanne

Lausanne, Switzerland
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Co-opted Board Member

Child & Adolescence

Charlotte Ulrikka Rask, MD

Clinical professor and consultant
Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Aarhus University Hospital, Psychiatry, Denmark
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Co-opted Board Member

Young Researcher

Isolde Busch, PhD

Temporary Assistant Professor
Section of Clinical Psychology
Department of Neurosciences, Biomedicine and Movement Sciences
University of Verona
Verona, Italy

Co-opted Board Member

International Networking

Frank Vitinius, MD

Associate Professor
1.) Head of Department of Psychosomatic Medicine
Robert Bosch Hospital Stuttgart, Germany
2.) Affiliated to Department of Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy
University Hospital of Cologne, Germany


Senior Administrator

(ex officio)

Isabel Winter, MA

Nuremberg, Germany
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Conference Manager

(ex officio)

Ruth Bucksch

Munich, Germany
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